Friday, October 31, 2008

Week 15 + Surgery Update

Below there are two pictures of Trent’s incision from his surgery. It might be TMI for some of you!
Trent had his Ureterostomy on Wednesday morning. We arrived at Children's Mercy at 6am; he mostly slept in my arms until they were ready for him. We meet with the doctor and the anesthesiologist. The nurses took him into surgery at 7:30am. Handing him over to go into surgery was very hard for Todd and me. We waited in a very nice "waiting room" with my parents and Todd's mom. He was out of surgery in two hours, but we had to wait another hour for him to wake. It seemed more like 24 hours. This is how they brought him to us in the reunion area...

He was still very groggy and doped up for most of the day.

We didn't sleep well the night before the surgery so Todd and I were happy when they sent us home that same night. We were able to catch up on our sleep in the comfort of our on bed.

The next day the doctor said we could take out the tube that was coming from his incision, which I did very carefully. I forgot to take a picture with it in, but this is what it looked like the day after surgery.

We had to go to Target to get new diapers that will cover his ureter, so we decided he needed a toy for being so brave! Meet Peter the penguin..they are getting to be good buddies!
He is recovering amazingly. He doesn't seem to be bothered by the incision at all. We are so relieved that this surgery is behind us!

This should probably go on Week 16, oh well....Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Week 14 + Kidney Update

Todd was playing with Trent on the floor while I was in the computer room. Todd started yelling for me to come quick, but by the time I got in there he had rolled over for the first time!! He finally showed me his new trick 3 days later. I will try to get in on video for next week.

It just started getting cool in KC this week. Trent still needs used to his new doggy hat!

On Thursday we went to Children's Mercy to get a kidney scan. The worst part was getting the IV and catheter put in. He screamed louder than I have ever heard and his face was bright red! He was strapped down on the table for the hour-long scan. He was such a champ and barely cried.

The results showed that his left kidney is not fully functioning and is not draining properly due to a blockage. Trent is having surgery this Wednesday to have a ureterostomy (tube from kidney to bladder will be moved to outside his body to drain into diaper. This will be in place until he is one and then he will need a second surgery to fix the blockage and sew the ureter back. Hopefully these surgeries will allow him to have to healthy and functioning kidneys.

Weight 19.1 lbs

Friday, October 17, 2008

13 Weeks (3 months)

Sarah, Karen, Trent and I went to the Red Barn Farm in Weston this week. We picked up a couple of pumpkins and ended up having a photo shoot with Trent! It was perfect weather and Trent loved everything except for the wheelbarrow ride =).

"I'll take the pumpkin in the middle with the blue pants on."
"What are you looking at Mom?"

There are 3 videos of him this week. I know...I know, but he is just too cute to pick one. The first one is of Trent laughing (he doesn't really start until 1 m 20 sec into the video). The others are just random moments.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Week 12

"I am not diaper is just too tight!!"

We had a little party for the Mizzou VS Nebraska game on Saturday. Trent was in his MU gear cheering for the first half before he crashed! The next morning he pretty much gave me a good summary of the MU strategy....TOUCHDOWN!! The final score was 52-17- MU.

Trent and I go over to my parents house often during the week. Sometimes we get lucky and find Aunts and Uncles. Aunt Sarah thinks that he looks like a Cabbage Patch kid!

Trent is getting more and more vocal each week. Here is a video of him talking right after we sang the ABC's to him. In next week posting you will get to hear him laugh!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Week 11

We went to Children's Mercy Hospital this week to get Trent's heart murmur checked out. The doctor said the murmur is fine, but found a small hole in his heart. The hole will most likely close up over time and this is pretty common with babies this age.

I love this picture of Todd reading to Trent!

If you click on the picture to view it larger, you can see that these two are making the same funny face.

Trent isn't fitting in the baby tub any longer, so we upgraded to the big boy tub. He really loves it! He kicks and waves his arms while screaming with joy. Unfortunately, my camera battery died before I could catch the excitement =(.