Saturday, December 27, 2008

Week 23- Christmas!!

This week has been a little crazy and I forgot to take the weekly picture! So I had to improvise and use paint to get it accurate!

Gavin and Regan spent the night this week, unfortunately their dad had to have emergency heart surgery. Jason has been released and hopefully feeling better. Jason, we are praying for you. Gavin said they would be Trent's older brothers for the night and they did a great job!
Aunt Tiffany flew in from Colorado early this week. Trent liked to grab her face and pull her hair, and she never complained. She is the best at feeding him cereal. We somehow need to convince her that she needs to move closer!
We went to Todd's Mom side of the family Christmas in Belton on Christmas Eve. There were 5 new babies this year. Trent really enjoyed "playing" with them! The food was great and we really enjoying see everyone. One highlight was when cousin Kynzie and Elijah sang Amazing Grace together (I think they are about 4 and 5). So precious!
Christmas has always been my favorite time of the year. This being Trent's first, it was more magical and special. Trent was off his routine almost every day/night this week, and he handled it like a pro. Happy and smiling for most of the events, he slept in my arms here and there.

This picture was at 6:30 Christmas morning. Santa came early this year at the Snyder house!

Santa brought cousin Collin a white bull. Trent gave it a try, but didn't like getting bucked off.
Here is Aunt Sammy with the sleepy boy. Sam has the great honor of being the first to give Trent icing....yes I said icing and yes I gave her some grief about it =). We will know whom to blame if Trent does not eat his veggies!
Here are some of the Snyder (Kluver) beauties- Rachel, Emily and Makenna.
Differences in Christmas':
1. Belcher: 6 people
Snyder: 26 people (two families were not there)

2. Belcher- Pass out the gifts. Casually open gifts individually. Taking pictures, trying on clothing, and play with toys as we get them. Quiet, calm, and relaxed.
Snyder- Santa: Grandkids start at the top of the stairs to see if Santa had arrived. They come down once Grandpa gives the OK. Each person had a stocking laid out for them in a chair with their gifts.
Afternoon exchange: Grandkids pass out gifts. Sing Silent Night. Someone yells 1..2..3 and everyone starts. Wrapping paper starts to mound in the center of the room. As you open gifts from others, thank them by yelling across the room above the noise. Pause when you hear a squeal of joy to see one of the children open something they have "always wanted". Once the room clears out the boys like to ball up the wrapping paper and throw it at each other. Finally several garbage bags are filled up with paper and boxes.

3. Belcher- After presents we had a really nice brunch and played games. This year we played Taboo, Up and Down, Scategories, and Balderdash.
Snyder- After presents we play with our new gifts, talk, and play games. This year dinner was later in the afternoon so we left somewhat early to get Trent to bed.
Here is a video of the presents being passed out at the Snyder Christmas exchange:

Monday, December 22, 2008

Week 22

We gave Trent his first food this week! His first meal was oatmeal cereal. He did a great job eating and didn't even spit much out. He likes to grab the spoon and feed himself and likes to get very messy! Mom is going to have to get use to that, for I know it will only get worse!
The neighbor girls got out of school early the day it snowed and wanted Trent and Caesar to come out and play. We only lasted about 10 minutes, because it was really cold, but we had fun. Trent got to try out his new snowsuit from Grammy!
Trent likes to play in his crib, but he doesn't like to sleep in it! Yes, he is still in the bassinet next to our bed. It is probably less that he doesn't like, more like he isn't used to it. I eventually need to let go and get him into his big boy crib =). I really like having him so close at night. I can just roll over and put his binkie back in or give his belly a rub. I am giving myself a deadline- January 11th. He will be 6 months and he will be sleeping in his crib!

"Mom, where is my ball?"

Trent and I traveled to Columbia to see Rachel graduate from college. Unfortunately, they had the service at 4pm on a workday, and Todd was unable to join us. Trent was great for the trip with the exception of the ride home. He like it when the crowd would clap during the ceremony, I think he thought he did something good each time. Sarah and Andy are also graduating (Masters) this semester. Congrats to all 3 of them!

Here is a video of Trent eating his first cereal and him going crazy in the bath!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Week 21

I love taking up close pictures of Trent's face. He looks he gives me, I wish I could capture them all! He was kind of sad in this one, because I took the 21 week paper he was eating away from him. He is in much better spirits now that both teeth have broken the skin (he got his second one right after the first one).

We went back to Children's Mercy this week for a follow up on his surgery. His kidney has shrunken down quite a bit and his ureter is twice as small. Both signs that the procedure worked great. We will go back for another ultrasound and to schedule his next surgery in 3 months. - Weight 22.4 lbs Length 28.5 inches
He has to keep one eye on the dog at all times!

We went to Zona Rosa to meet Santa! Trent didn't seem to mind St. Nick. I made sure I sat him on his lap facing me so he never really got a good look =). They had a nice set up there and we even got a free 5 X 7 and teddy bear.

Here is a video of Trent giving himself a bath and one of him rolling over.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Week 20

Trent had a quite eventful week- he saw snow for the first time, met Santa, and got his first tooth! We didn't even realize he was teething until Thursday when I put my finger in his mouth and felt something hard on his lower gums. At least that explains the drool and fussiness recently. He has not been himself since, but I think that is pretty normal. Hopefully we will get our smiley baby back very soon!

Had to stick him on the adorable $100 rocking horse at the new Dillards. When he looks back at photos he can at least think we spoiled him =).
"Deer in the headlights" look.....
Todd's parents took us to the "Singing Christmas Tree" at Pleasant Valley Baptist Church this weekend. The show was spectacular! We were a little anxious taking Trent, but he did great and was asleep by the first song. Santa and the Misses were sweet enough to let us take a quick picture.

We had our yearly Christmas dinner with the Dunn family. Jason works at DST with Todd and actually he worked with both of us, way back when at Farmland (Marconi). We could not believe how much Gavin and Regan have grown! Gavin said the prayer before dinner and was so sweet to pray for our safe trip home from Smithville. Cyndi outdid herself (as usual) with a delicious chili dinner and cheesecake for dessert!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Week 19

Happy Thanksgiving!! Trent enjoyed spending time with both the Belcher and Snyder families. On Thursday we got to eat TWO Thanksgiving dinners. Trent stuck with his bottle, but don't worry Grandma and Grammy he will be ready next year!

Todd got a picture of Trent standing for the first time by himself (not really standing, just holding his own weight). He is only good for about 5-10 seconds and then he gets the wobbly legs =).

His smile and laugh are very contagious! He is such a mild mannered baby and loves to be around people.
Apparently this ball is very tasty!

Here is my brother Nick teaching Trent the basics in baby dancing....

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Week 18

Guess what Trent started doing this week? He is sitting up!! We cannot believe how quickly he is growing up. It happened overnight it seems. He is still very wobbly, but can sit for about 2-5 minutes.

Trent has started a new trend this week of waking in the middle of the night to eat. I think he must be going through a grow spurt (if that is possible!). He has also not been big on naps recently. I think he is getting his mother back for those 10 hours of sleep nights from weeks 7-17.
Strapped in like this you would think he is getting ready to go into space, but no it is his new highchair =).
My brother and his wife invited us to see their new place downtown. It is amazing. Very modern, with exposed brick, concrete floors, and a sliver Christmas tree! I just love it. I don't think Casear would fair well downtown, otherwise I would seriously consider moving! I am sorry that I didn't take any pictures of the place (Angie, if you are reading this you need to blog about your new place with some pics!)

I have been meaning to mention Nick and Angie's business adventure - NERDBOTS. They create the cutest Robots made out of antique parts. You can see their creations at or they have a shop set up for First Friday downtown. I hopefully will be getting one soon.

Here is my niece Jamila posing for the camera. She is such a little model.
Here is Trent's mom...I mean Aunt...Sarah =). Here is my brother John with my nephew Benjamin.

Here is a video of Trent in the morning. He wakes up so happy!