Trent had a quite eventful week- he saw snow for the first time, met Santa, and got his first tooth! We didn't even realize he was teething until Thursday when I put my finger in his mouth and felt something hard on his lower gums. At least that explains the drool and fussiness recently. He has not been himself since, but I think that is pretty normal. Hopefully we will get our smiley baby back very soon!

Had to stick him on the adorable $100 rocking horse at the new Dillards. When he looks back at photos he can at least think we spoiled him =).

"Deer in the headlights" look.....

Todd's parents took us to the "Singing Christmas Tree" at Pleasant Valley Baptist Church this weekend. The show was spectacular! We were a little anxious taking Trent, but he did great and was asleep by the first song. Santa and the Misses were sweet enough to let us take a quick picture.

We had our yearly Christmas dinner with the Dunn family. Jason works at DST with Todd and actually he worked with both of us, way back when at Farmland (Marconi). We could not believe how much Gavin and Regan have grown! Gavin said the prayer before dinner and was so sweet to pray for our safe trip home from Smithville. Cyndi outdid herself (as usual) with a delicious chili dinner and cheesecake for dessert!
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