Guess what Trent started doing this week? He is sitting up!! We cannot believe how quickly he is growing up. It happened overnight it seems. He is still very wobbly, but can sit for about 2-5 minutes.

Trent has started a new trend this week of waking in the middle of the night to eat. I think he must be going through a grow spurt (if that is possible!). He has also not been big on naps recently. I think he is getting his mother back for those 10 hours of sleep nights from weeks 7-17.

Strapped in like this you would think he is getting ready to go into space, but no it is his new highchair =).

My brother and his wife invited us to see their new place downtown. It is amazing. Very modern, with exposed brick, concrete floors, and a sliver Christmas tree! I just love it. I don't think Casear would fair well downtown, otherwise I would seriously consider moving! I am sorry that I didn't take any pictures of the place (Angie, if you are reading this you need to blog about your new place with some pics!)
I have been meaning to mention Nick and Angie's business adventure - NERDBOTS. They create the cutest Robots made out of antique parts. You can see their creations at
www.nerdbots.net or they have a shop set up for First Friday downtown. I hopefully will be getting one soon.
Here is my niece Jamila posing for the camera. She is such a little model.

Here is Trent's mom...I mean Aunt...Sarah =).

Here is my brother John with my nephew Benjamin.

Here is a video of Trent in the morning. He wakes up so happy!
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