Well, we had a very busy week with Halloween, Trent's baptism, Mom's Birthday, and other random fun things! Trent went as a skunk for Halloween. We decided it would be fun to put him in his Bumbo chair, ring the door bell and run! The grandparents really got a kick out of this and were taking pictures like crazy. Caesar was relieved to wear his Halloween shirt instead of the dinosaur costume I got him last year.

Grandma was generous to give two Snicker bars and two bags of M&M's because she knows they are Trent's favorites! I think we were the only trick-or-treaters at the Snyder house (no one wants to walk up that scary driveway!)

Trent rode in Grammy and Grandpa Belcher's van in his big boy car seat for the first time.

I guess I finally know what a skunk says....

With weather in the 70's on Friday, Trent enjoyed playing in the leaves. 

Saturday night we celebrated Trent's baptism. He was some what crabby in church, but thankfully passed out right before the baptism. He didn't wake even when the water was poured on his head. He sleeps like his daddy. He looks so cute in his big boy clothes! 
Here are Trent's good looking Godparents- John and Kristen Snyder (ok soon to be Snyder!)

Todd's Grandpa was so nice to help celebrate the Baptism with a prayer and blessing.
On Sunday morning we had brunch at the Snyder house to celebrate my Mom's birthday. We were happy to have her sister Cartha in town for the baptism and her birthday.
Trent continues to heal from his surgery and is yet to complain.

I took this picture right before his morning jog..
I guess I finally know what a skunk says....
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