Our sweet boy is here...Noah Thomas Belcher was born on January 28th at 12:15pm. He was 9.2 lbs and 20.5 inches long. He is now almost 4 months, and I am going to do my best at recalling the highlights since his birth.
I had a much easier labor and delivery this go around. Only took 3 pushes! North Kansas City Hospital did not allow any visitors under 14 due to the H1N1 and seasonal flu. That meant Trent did not get to meet Noah until he was home. I did go visit him in the lobby a few hours after I delivered. He had no idea what was going on, but happily sung his ABC's and counted in Spanish.
Bring home Noah to meet Trent was an awesome experience! Trent was not sure what to think at first, but has adjusted well to the new addition. Trent thinks his official name is Baby Noah. Big brother gets Mama diapers and wipes and is a big helper!
I had a hard time feeding Noah after we got home from the hospital. Kathy dropped everything and came to my rescue! She came down for a day to help with breastfeeding, giving me support and rest! I can never thank her enough for that! I wish I could say that everything got easier and my breastfeeding issues were resolved. Unfortunately, after about a month we switched to formula. I do think that a happy and sane Mom is better than a sad and partially breastfeeding one!
We were happy to hear that Noah didn't have any kidney issues that Trent experienced. He is on reflux medicine, but that is very manageable. Up until recently, he has been a wake every 3 hour feeder. Thankfully, he is now giving us 4 or 5 hour stretches at night.
Noah smiled for the first time in his 3 week picture. He has an adorable dimple on his right cheek that he must have gotten from his Mimi. He really started smiling on command at about 6 weeks. Now at 3.5 months he is starting to giggle. It is really something special when you hear your little person laugh for the first time.
Noah is a chubby and solid baby. At his two month appointment he was 15 lbs and 23 inches and at his 3 month appointment he was 19.8 lbs and 25 inches.
There is so much more to add, but because it has taken me this long I am going to post this. Hopefully I will get a chance to add some more pictures and write more, but with two under two there are no guarantees!