Well, we finally did it- Trent is sleeping in his crib! We started sleep training on Wednesday night and it has been very challenging and rewarding. I created a log to keep myself in check with the "Ferber Method". Here is the log for Wednesday night and Saturday night. Hopefully we can have a lot more nights like Saturday!
Wednesday Night
Placed in crib at 7:26.
Soothed at 7:29 for 2 minutes
Crying loud
Soothed at 7:36 for 2 minutes
Crying loud
Soothed at 7:48 for 2 minutes
Crying with periods of quite
Soothed at 8:00
Crying softly
8:06 – Asleep!
1:30- awake for binkie
2:33- awake for binkie
3:41- awake for binkie
5:00- awake for binkie
6:00- awake-Todd getting ready
6:15- same as 6:00
7:40- Awake for the day
Saturday Night
6:58pm- Down for bed
7:00- Asleep
I had to ask Todd to take a picture of Trent and me, because I don't have very many. I guess that is the price you pay when you are the photographer in the family.
Trent was invited to go swimming with his buddy Tyler. For some reason I was a little hesitant, but he really enjoyed the pool. Tyler showed him the ropes and was an old pro in the pool. We hope to go again very soon!
I guess swimming really took it out of him. He took a 3 hour nap after =).
Ha! The pool is awesome - definitely good for naps :)
Hi guys, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. Your blog is awesome! I love your idea to chronicle Trent's life weekly. I wish I would have thought of that with the twins. Maybe I'll steal your idea and start now...
It was really great to see your family on Christmas Eve as well. I am all for the play date, too!
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