This week we visited both Grandma Belcher and Grandma Hemerson in the hospital. Unfortunately, Grandma Belcher had a heart attack last weekend. We are glad to report that after her surgery she seems to be doing great! Hopefully, she will get to come home early this week. Grandma Hemerson (my Grandma on mom's side) is also recovering quickly after her pace maker surgery. Trent is a little sad in the picture above, because he was worrying about his Grandma's.
Happy 2nd Birthday Madalyn! Madalyn had her birthday at Crayola Cafe in Crown Center. It was adorable to see all the little ones around the table. They even got to draw on the windows!!
Cooper Philbrick writing his name 3 times! I couldn't believe how much the Philbrick boys have grown.
Madalyn had the cutest hot pink party dress on. I really need to have a girl next (or a boy that I can dress up...jk of course).
What do you mean there is no steak on the menu?
I think Carson looks so much like Cooper did at that age. They are such handsome boys!
Birthday Girl!
Trent is getting so close to crawling. He can pretty much get anywhere he wants to with rolling, so that may delay the crawling. I found him with the cell phone charger in hand, just a second from putting it in his mouth. We need to start baby proofing soon!
You now may get a naked bum picture each week. I just cannot resist. He is anxiously awaiting his bath time. He loves the water!