Happy Valentine's Day! We took Trent to get some 6 month (really 6.5) pictures. I am not sure what I was thinking taking him at nap time, but he was pretty good for the photographer and we got several cute shots.
Will you be mine?

I found out that the Huggies size 5 Jumbo box makes a perfect boat for Trent. I didn't account for Caesar, he really wanted in.

The Dunn boys came over on Saturday morning to play while their parents ran a 4 mile race for Brain Cancer downtown. In the evening we took Trent to their house while we went on a date (Valentine's). He had a blast and didn't seem to want to leave. That might be because he got to stay up until 9:30 or maybe it was the eating naked on the floor? For more cute pictures go to the Dunn blog -
Where did my baby go?
Here is the peaches picture. I have missed several of the fruits, but he is loving all of them. The only food he really isn't into is peas, and who can blame him?
Reminder: When feeding biter biscuits, undress and put bib on. Bath will be necessary after!

Whoever invented the mesh feeder is a genius! We put frozen bananas and blueberries in it and he loves it. It also keeps him happy for at least 20 minutes.
How in the world did I go 29 weeks without a picture of his hiney?

Videos- 1st- Trent playing in the toy box.
2nd- Trent usually goes into his jumper for the last 10 minutes of the day before bath time. He gets all of his excess energy out and usually squeals pretty loud. It is cute when he is so tired that he laughs/cries at the same time.
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