Trent is getting closer to crawling. He can now get on all fours with ease, but is still having trouble moving the arms forward. We have lowered the crib, put covers on the outlets, removed a shelf from his changing table, and installed a gate. It seems like the baby proofing will be a long process. I am shocked by the number of areas he can reach without crawling!
We went to a "Messy Morning" class, put on by the NKC school district. He was given pudding, jello, bananas, noodles, and whipped cream. It was a blast! He did not have any trouble making a mess! The little girl across the table, Lily, was flirting with him (see video below).
We finally made it downtown to First Friday to see our favorite Art "Nerdbots"! Uncle Nick and Aunt Angie have an awesome studio displaying their playful nerdy robots. Visit their website to learn more about the bots!
We narrowly missed seeing Trent's godparents John and Kristen at First Friday. Even thought it doesn't look like it, Trent was so happy to see them!
As I type this up, I am realizing we had a very busy day on Friday....messy morning, park, First Friday. We met up with Sarah and Rachel for a quick lunch at Mackin Park (close to Cerner). Trent got to try out the swing for the first time. He liked it as long as he wasn't going too high. Sarah and Rachel are a bunch of nervous nillies when it comes to Trent -"he is going to choke on that!" "he is going to eat the woodchips!" "he is going to fall out of the swing!" Of course none of those things happened. It is sort of cute they are so protective.
Getting ready to go to church. 
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