These past weeks have been fun filled and busy! Now that Trent is an expert on crawling our days of setting him down without a care in the world are over. He loves to open and shut drawers, and open Grammies cabinets! He loves to be read to. He has several flip up books that he can open and turn the pages. He will literally sit through 15 books and be grabbing for more. I hope this continues, I really enjoy reading to him.
Caesar is very gentle with Trent. He lets him grab his ears and will even sit very still and will act as support for Trent as he stands. I think as they grow, they will become best buddies.

Trent was checking out the shoppers at Zona Rosa from Barnes and Noble. We picked up "Where is Baby's Belly Button" and a Clifford book.
Todd and I were driving by his home he lived in growing up (by Park Hill) and we went to the park off of 75th street. Trent had a blast, and went down the slide all by himself.
"Look Dad, no hands!"
He has been drooling so much the past few days. I am convinced he has teeth coming in, but I have been saying that for about 3 months =).

You cannot see it very well in this picture, but here is his first (and maybe last) mohawk!
Video 1- Trent talking in the car
Video 2- Going down the slide by himself for the first time!
Video 3- Trapped in jail (gate)
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