First Haircut! I am not sure how Grammie did it with Trent squirming all over the place, but it turned out great!
First Royals Game- Trent handled his first Royals game like a pro! I thought he might get upset when the crowd cheered (thankfully we went to the Royals game so there wasn't much cheering), but he seemed to like the clapping. The new Little K setup is really awesome. Trent enjoyed the playground and next time we will give the carousel a go.
Trent with his cute 2nd cousins Brooke and Amanda.
So Big!
Trent loves the water. We took him to the fountains at Zona Rosa and he had a ball. I hope that water is somewhat clean, he drank about a bottles worth.
Fo Hawk after the fountain fun. Trent playing the piano at Grandma & Grandpa Snyder's house. I liked how gentle he pushed the keys. His second time playing was a little more like how hard can I pound on these keys?
First time eating cheese- he is officially addicted!
Getting clean is hard work, but someone has to do it!
I love his many facial expressions....
John and Kristen's Wedding- The wedding was so beautiful! This shot was from their first dance. That dance got me teary eyed and after the song finished I looked around the table and there were several other ladies showing emotion. Congrats to John and Kristen!!
(my pictures didn't turn out so these are compliments of Nick and Angie)

Video 1- Trent taking steps
Video 2- Trent shooting a basket
Oh Laura, I am so happy you updated your blog. He has gotten so big. I am so happy you are going to have another baby. That is so exciting!!
Hope all is going well, same ol' her at work.
I want to see the rest of that video. It looks like he brought the "house" down when he dunked it and the hoop could be on a collision path with his head. :)
Congrats LB! You have a beautiful family and everyone looks very happy. Tell Todd he needs to work on that golf tan. Ayyeessh!
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