Gavin and Regan spent the night this week, unfortunately their dad had to have emergency heart surgery. Jason has been released and hopefully feeling better. Jason, we are praying for you. Gavin said they would be Trent's older brothers for the night and they did a great job!
Aunt Tiffany flew in from Colorado early this week. Trent liked to grab her face and pull her hair, and she never complained. She is the best at feeding him cereal. We somehow need to convince her that she needs to move closer!
We went to Todd's Mom side of the family Christmas in Belton on Christmas Eve. There were 5 new babies this year. Trent really enjoyed "playing" with them! The food was great and we really enjoying see everyone. One highlight was when cousin Kynzie and Elijah sang Amazing Grace together (I think they are about 4 and 5). So precious!
This picture was at 6:30 Christmas morning. Santa came early this year at the Snyder house!
Santa brought cousin Collin a white bull. Trent gave it a try, but didn't like getting bucked off.

Here is Aunt Sammy with the sleepy boy. Sam has the great honor of being the first to give Trent icing....yes I said icing and yes I gave her some grief about it =). We will know whom to blame if Trent does not eat his veggies!
Here are some of the Snyder (Kluver) beauties- Rachel, Emily and Makenna.
Differences in Christmas':
1. Belcher: 6 people
Snyder: 26 people (two families were not there)
2. Belcher- Pass out the gifts. Casually open gifts individually. Taking pictures, trying on clothing, and play with toys as we get them. Quiet, calm, and relaxed.
Snyder- Santa: Grandkids start at the top of the stairs to see if Santa had arrived. They come down once Grandpa gives the OK. Each person had a stocking laid out for them in a chair with their gifts.
Afternoon exchange: Grandkids pass out gifts. Sing Silent Night. Someone yells 1..2..3 and everyone starts. Wrapping paper starts to mound in the center of the room. As you open gifts from others, thank them by yelling across the room above the noise. Pause when you hear a squeal of joy to see one of the children open something they have "always wanted". Once the room clears out the boys like to ball up the wrapping paper and throw it at each other. Finally several garbage bags are filled up with paper and boxes.
3. Belcher- After presents we had a really nice brunch and played games. This year we played Taboo, Up and Down, Scategories, and Balderdash.
1. Belcher: 6 people
Snyder: 26 people (two families were not there)
2. Belcher- Pass out the gifts. Casually open gifts individually. Taking pictures, trying on clothing, and play with toys as we get them. Quiet, calm, and relaxed.
Snyder- Santa: Grandkids start at the top of the stairs to see if Santa had arrived. They come down once Grandpa gives the OK. Each person had a stocking laid out for them in a chair with their gifts.
Afternoon exchange: Grandkids pass out gifts. Sing Silent Night. Someone yells 1..2..3 and everyone starts. Wrapping paper starts to mound in the center of the room. As you open gifts from others, thank them by yelling across the room above the noise. Pause when you hear a squeal of joy to see one of the children open something they have "always wanted". Once the room clears out the boys like to ball up the wrapping paper and throw it at each other. Finally several garbage bags are filled up with paper and boxes.
3. Belcher- After presents we had a really nice brunch and played games. This year we played Taboo, Up and Down, Scategories, and Balderdash.
Snyder- After presents we play with our new gifts, talk, and play games. This year dinner was later in the afternoon so we left somewhat early to get Trent to bed.