The neighbor girls got out of school early the day it snowed and wanted Trent and Caesar to come out and play. We only lasted about 10 minutes, because it was really cold, but we had fun. Trent got to try out his new snowsuit from Grammy!
Trent likes to play in his crib, but he doesn't like to sleep in it! Yes, he is still in the bassinet next to our bed. It is probably less that he doesn't like, more like he isn't used to it. I eventually need to let go and get him into his big boy crib =). I really like having him so close at night. I can just roll over and put his binkie back in or give his belly a rub. I am giving myself a deadline- January 11th. He will be 6 months and he will be sleeping in his crib!
"Mom, where is my ball?"
Trent and I traveled to Columbia to see Rachel graduate from college. Unfortunately, they had the service at 4pm on a workday, and Todd was unable to join us. Trent was great for the trip with the exception of the ride home. He like it when the crowd would clap during the ceremony, I think he thought he did something good each time. Sarah and Andy are also graduating (Masters) this semester. Congrats to all 3 of them!
The eskimo picture outside cracks me up.
Merry Christmas!
What did you get him? An IPOD with Mozart on it? know that really stimulates a babies brain. So really the IPOD is justifiable.
You are hilarious with the IPOD suggestion. Just go out and buy one Randy! Or are you still doing the pro vs cons list/ reviews/budgeting? We decided to get him a car seat for Christmas (Britax Marathon- as you suggested). We figured he would not remember the first one, so why not be practical.
Britax? What the? Thats not practical thats for high rollers!
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