Friday - Trent was born at 09:02 pm weighing 9 lbs and 2 ounces and 22 inches tall. Labor was long, about 20 hours, but it was not very painful (thank goodness for my epidural!) Todd was very involved with the labor process and was an awesome pushing coach, counting and offering encouragement when I needed it. The doctor placed him right on my chest once he was born. Todd cut the umbilical cord. We were so overwhelmed with emotion…he was perfect in every way. Several people were waiting in the lobby for hours waiting the news of Trent's arrival. I remember thinking how big he was and no wonder his kicks had hurt so much! Everyone got a chance to visit but left soon after because it was already 10:30pm.
Trent slept in a rolling bassinet next to my bed. Todd was stuck on a long skinny couch (they ran out of cots) that was not comfortable! Trent slept fairly well the first night allowing us to get a couple of hours of much needed sleep.
Today was the day of visitors. Visitors included both sets of Grandparents, Great-Grandma and Grandpa Belcher, Great-Grandma Hemerson, Aunt Rachel, Sarah, Tricia, Vusala, Kristen, Uncle Tony, Jim, John, Chris, Mike, and William. The Coffins- Angie, Chris and Tyler, the Decs-Donnie, Courtney, and Madalyn and the Philbricks- Rusty, Ashley, Cooper and Carson also visited!
Today we brought the little guy home. I sat in the back seat and Todd drove slower than a 90 year old granny on the way home. I am afraid to say that we were not ready to go home. There were no nurses to take the baby to the nursery at night, no doctors to ask a million questions, no food brought to my bedside! Trent did a fabulous job his first night home and let us sleep at least two hours at a time.

Today we brought the little guy home. I sat in the back seat and Todd drove slower than a 90 year old granny on the way home. I am afraid to say that we were not ready to go home. There were no nurses to take the baby to the nursery at night, no doctors to ask a million questions, no food brought to my bedside! Trent did a fabulous job his first night home and let us sleep at least two hours at a time.
Wednesday- After a couple of high level ultrasounds during my pregnancy they told us that your left kidney had several cysts and that it was not functioning. Well, we got wonderful news today...the doctor said you did not need surgery to remove your kidney and that in fact your left kidney was now working! This is truly a miracle!
Thursday - First Trip Out of the House (beside doctor’s appointments)
We decided to get out of the house and go to the Zona Rosa shopping center. We arrived at Barnes and Noble and 2 minutes into our trip Trent started screaming. Todd knew what book he wanted so he ran up and got it. Several women looked at me with sympathetic eyes as his newborn cries filled the whole store (it seemed). By the time we checked out Trent was fast asleep, but we decided to go home because we were afraid you would wake up!
Friday- New Parents mistake
This evening around 11pm Trent was crying non-stop and we didn't know what to do. He hadn't had a BM since he left the hospital so we were convinced that his digestive system was broken. We called the nurse line and they suggested we bring him to the hospital. Our first visit to Children's Mercy North! The doctor told us it was normal for breast feed babies to not have a BM for up to 10 days and basically said to wait it out. Thankfully a couple of days later he had a dirty diaper!! Don't worry there will be more detail on that in the next blog =)
Thursday - First Trip Out of the House (beside doctor’s appointments)
We decided to get out of the house and go to the Zona Rosa shopping center. We arrived at Barnes and Noble and 2 minutes into our trip Trent started screaming. Todd knew what book he wanted so he ran up and got it. Several women looked at me with sympathetic eyes as his newborn cries filled the whole store (it seemed). By the time we checked out Trent was fast asleep, but we decided to go home because we were afraid you would wake up!
Friday- New Parents mistake
This evening around 11pm Trent was crying non-stop and we didn't know what to do. He hadn't had a BM since he left the hospital so we were convinced that his digestive system was broken. We called the nurse line and they suggested we bring him to the hospital. Our first visit to Children's Mercy North! The doctor told us it was normal for breast feed babies to not have a BM for up to 10 days and basically said to wait it out. Thankfully a couple of days later he had a dirty diaper!! Don't worry there will be more detail on that in the next blog =)
Weight at end of week is 8.6 lbs.
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