Weight 9.2 lbs 22.5 inches long
First Pool Party
Today we went to Donnie Dec’s 30th Birthday Party. Trent slept for most of the party, but he loved seeing his best buddies Cooper, Carson, Tyler, and Madalyn!

First Pool Party
Today we went to Donnie Dec’s 30th Birthday Party. Trent slept for most of the party, but he loved seeing his best buddies Cooper, Carson, Tyler, and Madalyn!
Sunday- Poop! Warning Too Much Information!!
After 7 days of waiting he finally pooped! I was feeding him in the nursery when it happened. He had been tricking us several times a day with his gas so I just stuck my finger in his diaper to make sure it wasn't the real thing and I got a surprise. I called Todd in to help me celebrate his dirty diaper (he had been uncomfortable for a couple of days). We jumped the gun on changing him and ending up going through at least 3 diapers! Another funny diaper story was when Todd was changing him another time and he looked away for just a second and then says "how did Trent get all that water on his face?" I looked in horror to see that Trent had given himself a little yellow shower...yuck!
Finally his umbilical cord fell off so we can give him a real bath!
Today we went to the Riverside Park to help celebrate Benjamin’s 2nd birthday! The kids had a blast playing at the park and the food was delicious!
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